Final Review Meeting in Brussels

With the end of October the official project lifetime of MATTHEW came to its end. The MATTHEW consortium reached the set objectives and submitted all Deliverables and Milestones in time. Additionally, an outstanding number of scientific publications present the MATTHEW project outcomes. (Find them openly accessible:

On 23rd November 2016 the project final review meeting took place at the EC premises in Brussels. After a general introduction to the project and the results in the technical work packages, a public session was scheduled. The consortium used this opportunity to show the demonstrators of the 3 Use Cases:


The project external visitors were very interested and and engaged in a vivid discussion on the MATTHEW use cases. After the final session with the reviewers and the project officer, all Deliverables and Reports were accepted and the progress impressed the experts in the review panel.

The excellent outcomes of MATTHEW will enable further cooperation within the consortium partners and the technological developments will be included into several innovations.